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Leoni Pirenne

Scenography ‘We Zwemmen Nog’, 2022

Directed by Yuna Linde, Corinne Heyrman, produced by Bart Jansen, Theater de Makkers 

Leoni is a scenographer, costume designer and visual artist. 

She creates spatial installations, videos, sculptural costumes and performances in both the 'white cube' of a museum and the 'black box' of a theatre. She experiments with various forms, media and styles. Overarching elements are: strong colour combinations, an eye for detail, light elements and symbols from popular culture.

She explores the autonomous power of scenography. She creates environments to which either performers or an audience must relate. She uses the power of fiction and theatricality and lets this collide with an everyday reality. Her artworks transform over time. It moves, comes to life, is manipulated, dismantled, destroyed or slowly blown out. 

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